‘Smart’ Self-Development Tips For Furloughed Workers ?

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‘Smart’ Self-Development Tips For Furloughed Workers ?

Setting and sticking to goals can be difficult – not least because we’re in the midst of a pandemic, our mental health may impact our performance, we’re working around our family or flatmates, and we may have been furloughed or made redundant. All of these will impact our productivity and emotions. It’s important that we listen to these feelings, understand them, and find a way to overcome or adjust to them.

If you feel as though professional development is a useful way to keep your mind active while you’re not working, or if your workload has decreased and you have more time in your day you’re seeking to fill, then creating a structure for your learning with some achievable goals will help you on track.

Useful resource: TED Talks – The battle between your present and future self


Every day, we make decisions that have good or bad consequences for our future selves. Daniel Goldstein makes tools that help us imagine ourselves over time, so that we make smart choices for ‘Future Us’.

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