Each new day brings new possibilities, experiences and opportunities. With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts. It is said that the first ten minutes of your day are the most important, and the rest of the day will continue in the same spirit as the first ten minutes.
Affirmations train your mind to be more positive. It targets the conscious level of your mind, allowing you to become more aware of negative thinking.
The more self-aware you are, the you’re able to correct your thinking patterns to essentially lead and live your days with more positivity. However, since affirmations only target the conscious level of your mind, it’s important to take the proper steps to also healing the unconscious. Self help books and online therapy are excellent and affordable options that will help you do just that.
How To Use Affirmations?
The process is extremely simple. The difficult part is remember to practice your positive affirmations for the week, each day and every-time you need a pick-me-up.
Useful resource – TED Talks video: Surround yourself with affirmations –