1. Your Symptoms Interfere With Your Work:
Difficulty concentrating, trouble managing your emotions at work, or a sharp decline in productivity could be signs of a mental health issue.
2. Your Mood Feels “Off”:
It’s normal to feel a little “off” sometimes. You’ll have rough patches where you’ll feel sad or anxious sometimes. But any change in mood that lasts longer than two weeks should be addressed.
3. Your Sleep Habits Have Changed:
From sleepless nights that leave you feeling exhausted to sleeping more hours than you should, your sleep patterns speak volumes about your mental health.
4. Your Psychological Health Is Affecting Your Physical Health:
Many physical aches and pains — like headaches and stomachaches — can stem from mental health issues.
5. Your Relationships Are Impacted by Your Emotional State:
Your personal or professional relationships may suffer when you’re not feeling your best. You might find yourself short-tempered with your partner, isolating yourself from your friends, or rehashing the same problems over and over to your family.
6. You Use Unhealthy Coping Skills:
Negative thoughts, uncomfortable emotions, and self-defeating behaviors can cause you to engage in unhealthy coping skills, like overeating or drinking.
7. You Experience Unexplained Changes in Weight:
Stress and emotional distress cause some people to overeat. Others lose their appetites altogether. Even if you welcome a slightly slimmer waistline, don’t ignore changes in your appetite or weight.